This non-profit is a resource and guide to parents who have lost young children.
Founded by Lauren Morgan after losing her son Gabriel shortly after his birth, she’s dedicated her life to acting as a waypoint for parents who are coping with the loss of their babies—something no parent should have to do. Her only constraint was the use of a bird, as she found them symbolic of hope and freedom; perfect for leading parents towards acceptance and freedom from their grief.
After a lot of coffee, conversation, and bird videos, we landed on modeling the mark after a swallow because of their fun and carefree flight patterns and uniquely social and relational behaviors (at least for
birds). The Swallow is frozen, upright, at the peak of its signature dive, wings embracing something no one else can see or understand. Sitting in the void of The Swallow’s embrace, the forms of the wings and beak combine to create a heart.

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